Wait said the veterinary + Yatzie and the kitten
Yatzie is still not ready said the vet... So we just have to patiently stay and do another test Friday morning. It is Yatzie who is the big boss now.
Yatzie has been biting and licking a toe the past days, I found a small area red, wet and with some pus. She had the same thing last year. The vet said it is a hot spot. Dogs suffer from this when it is too hot inside, it usually comes when winter is approaching and we start turning on the heat he explained. In Sweden no vet could ever give me an explanation so I am glad to have one now. Last year I tried to treat it with everything natural I could think of (silver cream, propolis etc) but it did not help. Finally I had to give her antibiotics. Now the vet put some cortison on it and a bandage that should stay there for some days. I hope it will heal this way.
Yatzie is getting friendly with the B&B kitten
Yatzie is getting more and more friendly with Flash, the kitten. This evening Flash was playing with Yatzies ears. Can you believe that Willemien? Take a look at the video. It is so sweet to see them together.
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Yatzie and the kitten Flash playing.
Recent posts
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- Happy Easter to you all!
- Yatzie Happy 12th Birthday!
- Happy Holidays to everybody!
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- Champagne litter 7 years old
- Yatzie 11 today and strong as ever!
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- Having a bath!
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- Moët and the cosy couch
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- The playful mother
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- Pick me up first mummy!
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- A new friend in the puppy box
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- The puppies 2 weeks portraits
- Little blue eyes
- Sweetly sleeping
- Moët's new cleaning procedure
- The first manicure
- Moët and me in the press
- Yatzie watching over the puppy basket
- May I present:
- The puppies drinking 10 days old
- Let's take a walk mum!
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- All puppies doubled their weight!
- A quiet moment by the breast
- Nose to nose with grandma Yatzie
- Caring cooperation - amazing and sweet!
- Moët's miracle milk
- Puppy collor colours
- Special meal by the cleaned mother
- Busy in the whelping box
- Our veterinary visits
- The puppies 3 days old
- The first videos of the Miracle puppies
- The Miracle Story
- 7 Miracle Puppies born
- Moët is nesting
- Wrapped up and clean
- Hurray - the Champagne litter turns 4!
- Moët's profile on day 58!
- The cosy and safe whelping box
- Only one week to go!
- Moët the pointer
- Sunny walk on the fields
- A new pro puppy scale!
- Spoon feeding the very best food
- Enlarging the whelping box
- The pregnant undressing
- The laziest of them all
- You can feel the puppies!
- Wow, plenty of milk already!
- Perfect gain weight
- Barbet safe bed spread
- Stick shaving pastimes
- The pregnant lapdog
- In the glowing sunset
- Life inside the womb
- The growing belly
- Sweet cuddles with the pregnant princess
- Moët - a cat like barbet
- Moët is pregnant!
- Moët running over the heathers
- Big, beautiful thistles - but not in Moët's fur please!
- A new perspective
- Open this gate please mum!
- A happy welcome!
- Moët has been mated with Claude
- A new London attraction
- The green part of London
- Rush hour proof barbets
- The ghost on Piccadilly Cirkus
- Hello London!
- Moët knows how to relax!
- Sightseeing in Bath
- On the steam train
- Fish n' Chips on the beach
- Travelling with barbets
- St Donat's castle - my college revisited
- In Shakespear land
- A morning river swim
- Punting in the back waters
- On the streets of Cambridge
- Hurray – it is vacation!
- Dreaming of vacation
- The beach attack!
- Never short of kisses
- Relaxed in the garage
- A birthday kiss for Margot!
- Kids and doggies celebrating in the city
- Wrapped-up bed warmer
- The Robot Hoover Attack
- Moët and Cooper the labrador puppy!
- A soft birdsnest
- Yatzie's grandkids 4 1/2 weeks old
- My shaggy barbets!
- Life is good - according to Moët!
- Life is good - according to Yatzie!
- Hurray - Yatzie turns 8 today!
- Toutes and Lana - our special guests
- Moët enjoying her favourite armchair
- This is better, says Moët
- Posing by Strijkviertel lake
- Moët flying through the woods
- Angels Tribute Trailer!
- The Angels 1-year portraits
- Hurray for The Angels - 1 year today!
- At the hair dresser - mine!
- Black beautiful barbet boys!
- A wild playful game of three
- Family sharing a stick
- Hello! I am looking for a mum & dad :-) !
- Snowy Christmas
- Hurray - many gifts under the tree!
- Merry Christmas from Yatzie and Moët!
- A popular sheep skin
- Moët keeps Yatzie young
- A sunny walk around the lake
- The Barbetbook at the Winner show
- Weekend away at Texel
- Yatzie became grandma – Beli in Poland gave birth to 8 puppies
- Loving eyes
- An afternoon with Oscar
- Jolie (Zofiel) a very happy dog!
- Balou Best Puppy at Dutch Club Match
- The Barbet book is here!
- Moët blessing the barbet book!
- Yatzie will become grandma!
- Moët cooling off
- Ring training with Yeye
- Enjoying the dunes in fall
- Moët posing in the Ardennen
- Quality time with my barbets
- Moët crowned by thistles
- 3 year old Bubbles! Happy birthday!
- Yeye comes for a visit
- Together again!
- Vacation!
- The pack in the packed car
- Visitors must be spoiled!
- Yeye at the zoo
- Barbet joy x 4 + bonus
- Summer greetings from Frits
- A dream wake up call
- Admired by the school yard
- Nose to nose with the cat
- Hello Amsterdam!
- Hurray for Luna - the student!
- A day at Jolie's
- Amongst the shoes
- A magic moment in Kleine Plass
- Yeye - already swimming!
- Yatzie retrieving in clear water
- Time for summer costumes
- Lazy barbet posture
- Swedish National Day posing
- Dante's blog!
- Jumping grass
- Yeye crazily enjoying water
- Waiting for go
- A short cuddle with Yeye
- Yeye and Yatzie in a tug-of-war
- Tandem swimming
- Luna checking the cows out
- Our favourite place
- Cosier together!
- Yeyezel and Yatzie - best playmates!
- Luna playing football!
- Grooming and grooming
- Muriel - on her angel mission in Stockholm
- Jeremiel - the male angel in Sweden
- Angel!
- Jolie - the angel of beauty (Zofiel)
- Cherubiel - the prince angel!
- Phanuel will be Balou - a real cuddlebear
- Yeyezel (Yeye) our co-owned bitch
- Nahaliel, aka Hugo, leaves for Haarlem
- Umabel, called Oscar, stays in Utrecht
- Happy Easter greeting!
- Happy 7th birthday Yatzie!
- The bitter-sweet marathon
- Hanael - the angel near the moon
- "Sista natten med gänget"
- 10 puppies riding the bus
- Hello daddy!
- The individual portraits
- The talking puppies
- Moët and the puppies
- Fun in the garden
- The sock pulling game
- One happy family and the dog bed
- A warm and wild welcome
- Playing with mama Yatzie
- Everyone wants a toast!
- Making friends with Tommy
- The puppy swimming pool!
- At the farm house
- On new grounds
- A moment of rest
- In the shopping center
- At the vet - playing happily
- The apple and cucumber fight
- Fun in the garden
- The rabbit fur war
- The puppies playing, videos
- Angel photo models!
- Good morning!
- On the school yard
- Luna - the labrador visits
- 4 + 10 = paradise!
- The tug-of-war game
- Hungry, eager, noisy
- Happy morning hour
- And then travelling the world!
- The first car ride
- Growing puppies
- First swimming lessons
- Helpers from Sweden arrived
- A quiet playful moment
- Specialist testing the puppies' characters
- Fascinating flames of fire
- The males eating a meaty bone
- The Angel litter with their angel names
- Zofiel is playful with mama
- The little gardeners
- The Angels are baptized!
- Clothes rack pain easer
- "Mama, where are you?"
- The sweet berner sennen Mona visits
- Jumping for mama
- Yatzie - the smart and clear teacher
- Yatzie with her puppies on the top floor
- The top floor playing ground enlarged
- A messy task - hand feeding hungry puppies
- Yatzie starting playing with her puppies
- Intense socialisation on children
- Moët – the playful big sister
- Puppy watching Premier League on TV
- Little teeth growing
- Puppy owners in the grass too
- The puppies in the outside ren
- Nikki in the puppy box
- Feeding procedures
- Tender motherly care
- Preparing for puppy invasion
- Dream dreamer
- At the salmon party!
- The long-legged white puppy
- Sleeping beauties
- The development of a puppy's eyes/sight
- Portraits 3 weeks
- 2 x 3 minutes in the puppy box
- Checking out mum's computer!
- Attacking the Alpaca bone
- Yatzie feeding standing up
- Puppy owners weekend
- Mama is here - but where?
- Tasting meat!
- The world outside the box
- Dewormed for the first time
- Puppies starting to play
- Portraits 2 weeks old
- Sweet row of puppies drinking
- More stable on their legs
- Busy at the breakfast table
- 200 little claws cut
- Moët sneeks in to the puppy box
- Just some cute puppy photos
- Almost walking
- Hello world – first eyes opened
- Puppies 1 week old (9 days)
- Nose to nose
- Constant cleaning of vital parts
- Puppy push-ups
- The first kiss
- Mothers get tired sometimes
- 1st class service in the puppy box
- Cosy in the cane basket
- Neatly sleeping before mama
- Individual portraits of the angel puppies
- Film: Moët checking the puppies out
- Film: Yatzie feeding her 1 day old puppies
- 10 angels sleeping
- Film: Yatzie feeding, Moët inspecting
- The Angel litter de l'Esprit de bonté
- Yatzie in preparation
- Temperature drop
- Puppy collars production
- A popular place
- 7 pups born to Yatzie's half-sister
- Jam-packed!
- Puppy owner visit
- The puppy box is ready
- Lovely morning walk
- Nesting time
- Lively pups in there
- Yatzie is shaved
- Mama, how many siblings are there?
- Yatzie's big belly
- Is that cute?
- Different priorities
- Already plenty of milk
- Nikki is moving to Holland - playful times!
- Yatzie's vest hardly fits
- Yatzie retrieving on our walk
- A cute face
- A new phase in the pregnancy
- Prenatal preparations
- Yes - Yatzie is pregnant!
- Is Yatzie pregnant?
- Our New Year wish!
- New Year with friends
- Seasons greetings from Yatzie & Moët
- Moët takes over
- Yatzie dreaming of her love
- The goat under the Christmas tree
- 11-12-13 A lucky day for Yatzie & Toffee
- Yatzie is on heat!
- A cosy Sinterklaas evening at home
- Lazy Sunday morning on the couch
- Eyes clear
- Intimate moments with my barbets
- Yatzie on the driveway
- Moët in the window
- Happy faces a sunny fall day
- Yatzie in focus
- Can I come in now please?
- A stormy day makes my dogs play
- With briard Bommel on the beach
- Making healthy dog cookies
- Yatzie's new trick: Rolling into a blanket
- Moët starts Sunday training again
- Total trimming trust
- Riding the escalator
- Beli - Polish Beauty Campion
- Enjoying the agility moment
- Barbets, barbets and barbets - at the Dutch barbet club weekend
- And then the birthday gift!
- Moët's birthday walk
- Happy 2-year birthday Champagne litter
- With the cousins on the heather
- Mother and daughter - a comparison
- Yatzie - portrait and fur at 6
- Study of fur - Moët soon 2 years
- A cuddely couple
- Teddie back "home"!
- Another grass came out of Moët
- Exploring a new canal
- The sausage trick in Gargellen
- Hallelujah in Florence - the loving connection with a barbet
- Princess Moët and the pillow
- Raw Meat as kibbles - perfect for vacation
- Bye bye precious Gargellen
- That is cosy!
- By the waterfall
- Do not play with the alp cows!
- Two gorgeous sun-bleached brunettes
- The little church on the mountain
- By cabin to the mountain top
- Barbecueing by the river
- Happy in the Austrian mountains
- Great news - the grass is out!
- Cool and clean river
- Moët on antibiotics
- Moët wounded by a lethal grass
- Admired in Florence
- Dogs and sandy beaches
- In our hot Tuscan paradise
- The old city of Lucca
- A night in Austria
- Leaving for Italy
- Moët's sister Cristal in Finland
- More green than brown!
- Moët watching tennis
- How much will a labrador eat in heaven?
- Moët knows her place!
- A morning swim with sister Fenna
- Birthday cake for Saartje turning 14
- Oh my... what happened to Moët?
- Sharing an icecream with Yatzie
- Going wild in the dog playground
- The birds nest by our room
- Spring at last - in Mollenvlied
- Early morning by the sea in Malmö
- Meeting Isa at the lake
- Loving hugging!
- Who holds the most valuable treasure?
- Look what I found!
- On the boat to Sweden!
- Moët's fur
- Such mother such daughter
- Happy 6-year Birthday Yatzie!
- Moët - portraits in wind
- Yatzie - portraits in wind
- Wresteling on the trampoline
- A cold but sunny forest walk
- On the farm in North Holland
- Happy Easter!
- Retrieving from a tree
- Moët has A hips!
- The Championate diploma arrived!
- "Moët, ska vi gå ut?"
- Wresteling on the beach
- Yihoo - retrieving on the beach again!
- Breakfast on the beach
- Cute Cavalier Cousins
- The official BOB photo of Moët
- And today the BIG reward!
- Moët Best of Breed and Youth Champion. Yatzie got the res CAC!
- A joyful week with Ollie
- Spring feelings and a sweet kiss!
- Moët in the dunes
- Bambi in the stroller
- A happy snowman by our house
- Morning cuddles in the sofa
- Relaxed at the vet
- A trimmed Charley on the heath
- Moët got the Reserve CAC again!
- Simply Yatzie
- That's a huuuge bone!
- The snow arrived!
- Barbets in the evening sun
- Barbets in Noah's Ark
- Saviour meatballs at New Year
- Holidays - times for cuddles and gifts!
- Beli Polish Youth Champion
- Merry Christmas from Yatzie & Moët
- Bottle feeding 3 weeks old Braille
- Bambi - a fawn colored Barbet puppy
- Snowy hello from Beli in Poland
- Moët Res CAC in Wijchen show
- Cosy Lucia morning
- Yihooo - first snooow!
- Those scary black faced boys - but hurray, they bring sweets!
- Enjoying the Dutch beach in fall
- Fascinated by Nikki the little Malteser
- Fabulous fall!
- Busy in the villa
- The Barbet trunk-climber
- Grand Danois - Petit Barbet
- More Champagne!
- At the Dutch Barbet Club exhibition!
- Barbets on the football field
- Moët wins 1st prize and reserve CAC
- No, no, not water dogs - mud dogs!
- On the grooming table
- Uhh - a skunk!
- Moët at junior training
- Animal day treats
- Puddles and puppies in Almere
- Missy and Clifford 1 year pics
- Birthday update from Poland
- Birthday pictures from Julianadorp
- Happy 1-year birthday!
- With brother Charley again
- Bye bye Ollie - a playful movie
- Fun with Fenna (video)
- Moët groomed - by me!
- Swimmer's itch waters
- Soaked and happy!
- At the Dragonboat festival
- Ollie, the labradoodle, arrived!
- Yatzie wins silver & hunting trofé
- Summer with Hunter
- Meru passed Finnish hunting aptitude test
- In the heather again
- Hunting training finale
- Moët Best Female in Rotterdam show
- Sweetest Barbet bridesmaids!
- On the sunset beach
- Adventurous coastal walk
- Vacation joy-dance
- Dog paradise vacation house
- Cool inside the soil
- Three Barbets high diving
- Morning cuddle with Moëtje
- Three Barbets on the run
- l'Esprit de Beauté
- Moët posing
- Swedish midsummer in Holland
- Wolfsblut and Taste of the Wild
- Two brown sisters
- Avondvierdaagse
- Barbet cuddeling
- Bravo Beli!
- Hunter on vacation in France
- Goodbye golden curls!
- Princess Goldilock
- Three Barbets under a tree
- Weekend away with Charley
- Beli in Poland did an excellent exam
- Moët's favourite place
- Moët and old Saartje playing
- Moët retrieving her first bird from water
- Rabbit fascination
- 3 dogs and a packhorse at the tivoli
- Two Barbets in Rotterdam
- We will miss you Joey!
- At the Animal Event
- Exploring the canal together
- A lot of dogs in the kitchen!
- One can watch them play forever!
- Signs of summer
- Queensday in deMeern
- Hello, I am Joey!
- Balou, the retrieving Berner sennen
- Clicker training finale
- Two bold noses
- The spectacular tulip(s)
- In the news today
- Sunny Champagne litter meeting
- Making a birthday dog cake for the puppy meeting
- Happy birthday Yatzie!
- At the Keukenhof flower exhibition
- Happy Easter greeting from Yatzie and Moët!
- Barbetclub get together
- First time retrieving on the beach!
- Sunny Sunday in Zeist
- Whoopi and Moët on the bark heap
- Yatzie under the knife
- More puppy pictures!
- Happy ½-year birthday!
- Clicker training for hunting dogs
- Moët attacks her teddydog
- About fur
- Yatzie posing
- In the fields of Groningen
- Moët retrieves her first bird
- Moët & Chandon together again
- Moët in the animal shop
- On the boxbike
- And here is Chandon!
- This is Moët 5 months old
- Sunshine, waters, birds and Barbets - the perfect combination!
- Thistles!
- Don't leave without us
- Moët and the pizza box
- Wresteling match
- Fun on the trampoline
- Teddie says hello
- Meru retrieves warm birds in cold Finland
- The dog friendly B&B paradise
- The biggest puppy!
- On ice
- Cane pain easer
- News from Poland
- Snowy sand dunes
- Snow at last
- We rested enough!
- Blog break
- Snow is fun, says Moët
- We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Hello snowy Sweden
- Danger in the canal
- Letter to Yatzie from Hunter
- Couch testing in the city
- Jultomten visits Holland
- Clifford enjoying the snow
- Our cuddler no 2
- Big bang
- Hello from Ayala
- Look at them
- Clifford plays with Ludde
- A wilder moment
- Scary, wet flight
- New videos with Clifford in the Swedish forests
- Playful mum and daughter
- Lucca - the new neighbour tervueren friend
- Wild tasting Champagne
- Cliquot in the Swedish forest
- At the puppy party
- Moët swimming on the beach
- Hello from Henriot
- Chandon aka Hunter steals everyones heart
- A new phase
- Happy sweet Clicquot
- Playing goodbye with Clicquot
- Hello Tupak!
- Yatzie and Clicquot tumbeling around in the couch
- Brother and sister - playmates
- By the water front
- News from Poland
- Yatzie, two puppies and a bone
- Digging on the misty beach
- A very special Champagne
- 9 week vaccinations
- Darling hunter Cristal
- Our Pink Lady
- Cristal preparing for Nordic cold
- The last plenty puppy-mornings
- The social Chandon
- Bravo Moёt & Chandon! Bravo Saartje!
- Having a bath
- Puppy kissing party
- Still busy here
- Yatzie and Chandon talking things over
- How to eat a sandwich in the couch
- The naughty Elyssia
- Hoppetossan Tsarine
- "Tjihoo - I am off to Poland!"
- So long Henriot
- Last video of the whole litter together
- Final vet checkup
- Getting friendly with the neighbour
- Superintendent Yatzie
- Baptized in champagnes of the Spirit of goodness, loving kindness and gentleness
- A "normal" evening in the puppy house
- Learning water retrieving from mama
- A real bird
- Hungry puppies growing fast!
- Watch out - puppies on the road!
- Watch out - puppies in the fridge!
- Happy puppy weekend
- Fighting over the raw bone
- Walking on a leash
- Attacking the feathered dummy
- Feeding procedure by hand
- In the pine branch
- Meeting with birds and animals
- First swim - in the bathtub!
- Playful morning with Yatzie and the puppies
- The muffin package
- Shoe lace tug-of-war
- First vaccinations
- True waterdogs
- A new phase
- Around the adventure track
- Tender moment with mama
- Suckeling - mamas milk is still the best!
- Thank God for the backyard
- Unhappy puppies - earplugs recommended
- Let me present...
- The fish oil water bowl
- The forest comes to us
- Buddies!
- (Un?)successful socialization
- The fantastic mess!
- Video: Morning joy in the garden..
- Experiencing everything!
- The Marlboro man!
- I am a lion!
- Videos: In the backyard
- Videos: Yatzie is getting playful with her puppies
- Video: Learning "No!"
- Video: Everything is a toy
- Video: A tail of ten
- Dust buster tasting
- By the fireplace
- Puppy securing the house
- Video: Playful morning
- Getting to know the puppies
- Video: Feeding standing up
- Video: First meal from from a bowl
- Video: Tender embrace
- Video: Salmon is yummie!
- The wooden train
- Video: First step on grass
- Video: 24 days old curious puppies
- Feeding them all together again
- Being sweet
- Sleeping beauties
- Video: Playful puppies
- Video: Early morning milk rush
- Mr Chubby Guy
- Wish I was a puppy
- Video: Introducing the water bowl
- New feeding procedure
- Deworming in week 2
- Yatzie enjoys barbecueing
- Video: Brisk morning walk
- Video: Checking out teddy bear
- Video: Sweetly sleeping
- Video: Learning to walk
- Eyes are opening
- Videos. Almost walking at 12 days.
- Sweet puppy pics
- Wanna go home!
- 200 little claws cut
- The final champagne names
- Video. Yatzie and her 9 days old puppies.
- Chef Ed - the home cook
- Busy at the milk bar
- Peace in the puppy box
- Inflammation but not severe
- Everybody taking a break
- Cosy by mama
- Yatzie has a fever
- Sond feeding
- Champagne names - suggestions?
- Everyone is doing fine
- Number 10 - at the after party!
- A happy birth-day!
- Coming soon!
- Bare hot dog
- Plenty of milk already
- The puppy room
- Bigger and bigger
- Tiny belly kicks
- Canal coot hunting
- Tiny heartbeats
- The goodie drawer
- The blooming heathland
- Mutual love
- To-be puppy owners visit
- Heroes
- Yatzie is Dutch and the kennel is approved
- Sleeping and eating
- Amongst the fjord horses
- Champagne toast
- Evening swim in Waxholm
- Yatzie is pregnant!
- Full moon midnight wish
- Yatzie meets a wolf!
- Lemming catch
- A day by the river
- Blueberry land
- The wilderness road
- Taking a break
- Yatzie and the fish
- Stekkenjokk mountains
- 50 six-legged larva ticks!
- We are in Lapland!
- On the train to Sweden
- Barbet friends in Holland
- Lazy at the camping
- The tame mountain goat
- Up the alps by cable car
- Passionate Swiss alps
- Peek-a-boo in the vineyard
- Sweetly playing
- Lovers!
- Ready to go?
- Just enjoying Italy
- Picturesque cities of Tuscany
- By the pool at Il Pantano villa
- Playing by the river
- This is Chico!
- Preparations
- Yatzie is on heat!
- Hi from Amsterdam
- Yatzie + Chico = true
- In the muddy puddle
- Friesland lapdogs
- Where is Yatzie?
- Back at the Dutch beach
- A lot of Yatzie
- Picking fry
- In the djungle of Skåne
- A happy water dog
- At the rally obedience
- First price in Open Class
- A night in the wind shield
- Rufz, the half-brother
- A birthday kiss for grandpa
- The run-away dachshund
- A ladybird resting place
- Yatzie can bike!
- A poucepuss on Queens day
- IKEA and Ajax
- Easter Joy at the beach
- The little baby bird
- At the Hubertus game
- The first pigeon
- Lovin' it - terrain hunting!
- Lovin' it - water retrieving!
- Happy 4th Birthday Yatzie
- The first barbecue
- The black gardener
- Preparing for take off
- Sun and fun
- No one like Isa
- The blue octopus
- Back in the snow
- Friends and spring
- The hunter's eye
- It is unfair!
- In love with Mrs White
- Birds, birds, birds
- A butterfly in our house
- In the reed
- The Amsterdamse Bos
- Who's at the door?
- Cleos puppies
- Disco bowling
- The beauty of dusk
- Rabbit catch
- Toutes and Fraise
- The one-legged trick
- Yin and Yang
- At the hunting dog school
- The mist and the mud
- Under attack
- The Barbet cows
- Beware the wolves!
- Say cheese... -fondue!
- Forest walk with the club
- Everybody chasing balls
- Feeling young again
- Half of Yatzie in a bucket
- Tricks in the park
- All about fur
- Lazy in the office
- By the farm house
- The little dog trainer
- Dreamin' about snow
- Making new friends
- Hyde Park á la Holland
- New Year day walk
- Oliebollen temptation
- A Happy New Year wish
- So sad - no puppies there
- Going for a sleigh ride
- Yatzie kisses Santa Claus
- A very Merry Christmas!
- The deers' night shelter
- Number 1 in Open class
- Beauty sleep before the show
- Reindeer bone for dessert
- Silas - the smiling dog!
- Excursions on ice
- Saint Lucia brings light
- The teddybear shrunk
- Visiting the city
- Yatzie & Django in the animal market
- Gluttonous!
- Yatzie meets Isa and Leija
- In the glimmering snow
- Home for Christmas
- Midnight fun in the snow
- Sorry Ruff, my heart belongs to Django!
- Zwarte Piet arrived
- First snow + Christmas comes early
- Golden sunset beauty
- Au revoir Django
- Go tell it on the mountains...
- Love is in the air...
- Yatzie is so ready - but Django?
- Leaving for Django!
- On the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny
- Wait said the veterinary + Yatzie and the kitten
- Midday service at Taizé
- Le petit déjeuner and Jabolou the guinea pig
- Barbet cuddles x 7!
- Exploring Cluny - 3 days to go
- We arrived in France!
- Yatzie will be mated with Django
- Beach walk with the Dutch Barbet club
- Hunting training in Noorderpark
Recent comments
Amaro » Yatzie turns 10 years old!: ”Happy birthday grandma! Cuddels and friendly pawstrokes from your crazy grandson..”
Tanja » Merveille has A hips!: ”Congratulations! Great news! ”
Amaro » Hurray for the Angels - 3 years old today!: ”Happy birthday to all from you cousin Amaro!”
marleen » Moët and Bink pairing up in the forest: ”Hi Elizabeth, indeed it was a wonderful walk. Could you send me some pictures? W..”
Karin » I am cute!: ”Yes, she is really cute and incredibly smart! ”
Jos Cové » Hi sister!: ”Mooie en leuke pups zijn het hè? Ik vind dat ze goed gelukt zijn. ”
Terri » The arrival joy dance: ”I love how excited and happy they seem!”
Tanja » A day by the mountain river: ”What a dog paradise! Absolutely stunning!”
Tanja » Moët in her glowing fur: ”She is so beautiful. Vera is very proud of her mum.”
Amaro » Vera at her first show - promising puppy!: ”So proud of you siss”
Marleen » Wanted – alive: ”What a terrible experience Elisabeth! I am so happy it had a happy ending. Take..”
Rien en Rianne » My rascals caught by the Police: ”Wat een avontuur met een ongelooflijke goede afloop. We weten niet of dit bij Ba..”
Anja » Beli (Ambeloui) in snowy Poland: ”Wow, gorgeous! I love the beard! <3”
Corine » Merveille - a Miracle nearby: ”Love her so much already, she is really special and brings so much joy for Yeye..”
Tanja » The cuddly next door builder: ”Well-behaved puppies waiting in line for their turn:-)”
Anja » The naughty gardener: ”Could that by any chance be Merveille?”
Anja » Hello everybody!: ”Wat een heerlijk schatje! ”
Anja » Breakfast to the sound of sirenes: ”Jeetje wat zijn ze alweer groot!! Maar nou zie ik waarom met zo'n grote bak eten..”
Anja » A sunny Sunday in the garden: ”Gluren bij de buren! ”
Anja » Yatzie has a swollen paw: ”Ocherm! Heel veel beterschap en een dikke knuffel! ”
Tanja » Oh what a mess!: ”So amazing how strong a mother's instinct is. Well done Moët! These pups get the..”
Anja » Living room destruction is begun!: ”Kan Bart maar beter meteen een pallet keukenrollen laten bezorgen!”
Anja » Getting creative!: ”Osher is going to study when he's big!”
Anja » Teeth!!!!: ”Wat een prachtige foto van Merveille! ”
Anja » Playful evening hour: ”Elke keer denk ik weer "schattiger als dit kunnen ze niet meer worden" en elke k..”
Annika Lundberg » A new friend in the puppy box 2: ”How sweet the puppies are. Cuddlie and curly. :-) Seeing Karin enjoying the dogc..”
Tanja » 3 weeks portraits: ”I was showing Ella the puppyportraits and she asked "are they soon ready to move..”
Miranda » 3 weeks portraits: ”Och wat een schatjes en wat zijn ze mooi!! De filmpjes zijn ook zo leuk om naar ..”
Ula » A world outside the small box: ”So am I right that the biggest boy and girl come out first? Benoit and Peliyah??..”
Corine » Sleepy sisters: ”Too sweet. Their Reilly gorgeous, can't wait to meet them :)”
Patricia » The puppies starting to interact: ”How cute!!! Beautiful puppy's!”
Anja » Benoit says hello: ”So sweet that little tummy! ”
Tanja » Sleepy sisters: ”Too cute! How sweet! Lovely sisters”
Anja » Sweetly sleeping: ”Soooooooooo CUTE!! Als in he little basked sleeping on top of each other.”
Tanja » Sweetly sleeping: ”They all look so sweet and peaceful”
Anja » Yatzie watching over the puppy basket: ”Look at that face!”
Anja » Moët and me in the press: ”Now we have to take Swedish classes!”
Tanja » May I present:: ”Beautiful small creatures and strong names. Love them all:-)”
Anja » All puppies doubled their weight!: ”I can't wait to cuddle them all! <3”
Debby » Moët's miracle milk: ”Moėt with her magic milk! ”
Debby » Busy in the whelping box: ”Ooohhhhhh they are sooo qute ”
Sven » Special meal by the cleaned mother: ”Geweldig....speciale behandeling voor de hongerlap en dat nog op een lekker comf..”
Anja » Busy in the whelping box: ”They are soooooooo cute! Love watching these photo's! Makes me really happy! <3”
Anja » Moët's miracle milk: ”Amazing! How much did they weigh approx. at birth? If I am not mistaken Luna was..”
Anja » Our veterinary visits: ”Good to know all is well with the gorgeous mother!”
Melinda » Busy in the whelping box: ”They are to cute. Specially the pup with the big white sock!”
gertrud » The puppies 3 days old: ”gefeliciteerd met jullie nieuwe pups.. ziet er weer heel gezellig uit en wat zij..”
Anja » The puppies 3 days old: ”Moët is a great mom and Yatzie is a great Grandmother!”
Miranda » The puppies 3 days old: ”Zo schattig!”
Debby » The first videos of the Miracle puppies: ”Wat lief dat oma ook mag komen genieten van haar klein"kinderen". En ik zie er m..”
Debby » The puppies 3 days old: ”Wat een dotjes! en wat leuk om te zien dat er al verschil in de vachten zit van..”
Tanja » The puppies 3 days old: ”Wonderful to follow Moët and her puppies. They seem to be doing very, very fine:..”
Anja » The first videos of the Miracle puppies: ”I am in LOVE ”
marleen » The first videos of the Miracle puppies: ”so cute! hope moet feels less tired soon. ”
Debby » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Gefeliciteerd met de geluksnummer pups!! Genietse.”
Anja » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Congratulations to this beautifull miracle!”
Sven » Moët is nesting: ”So funny how nature works.”
Sven » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Wow! Dat is snel gegaan! Gefeliciteerd”
Melinda » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Great news! We wish the puppies a great life with a lot of love and happyness !!..”
Marleen » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Gefeliciteerd!!!!!!!! Wat een mooi nieuws dat alles goed is gegaan! Ligt moet no..”
Rianne » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”What a proud mam!!! Congratulations to you en Moet!”
Susan » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”Van harte gefeliciteerd met deze mooie pups! fijn dat het goed is gegaan, toch e..”
Tanja » 7 Miracle Puppies born: ”A true miracle! Congratulations to you and Moet”
Tanja » Moët is nesting: ”I wish you and Moet all the best for the days coming up. ”
Marleen » Moët is nesting: ”Wat leuk en spannend! Veel succes voor jou en Moet!”
Susan » Moët is nesting: ”Wat spannend! Veel succes! ”
Anja » Moët is nesting: ”Vandaag is DÉ dag! Good luck to you all! ”
Anja » Wrapped up and clean: ”Wat toch een lieve schat! We zijn met spanning aan het wachten wanneer het echt ..”
Anja » Hurray - the Champagne litter turns 4!: ”Happy birthday to Moët, and ofcourse to Elisabeth! Our thoughts are with you all..”
Melinda » Moët's profile on day 58!: ” She's such a pretty one!!!!”
Tanja » Moët's profile on day 58!: ”She looks beautiful. I can imagine her to feel heavy and in need of closeness no..”
Patricia » Moët's profile on day 58!: ”Wij tellen mee af; spannend!”
Ula » Only one week to go!: ”We are counting down the days until the lovely Moet has her first litter! She lo..”
Sven » Only one week to go!: ”Wow, what a cool womb-picture. Nice to read nature is telling Möet to relax. Jus..”
Debby Tuinstra » A new pro puppy scale!: ”Mooi gebied daar en ze doet het nog goed met haar dikke buik! Spannend hoir..laa..”
Sven » Spoon feeding the very best food: ”Nothing but the best! ;-)”
Tanja » You can feel the puppies! : ”What a grand moment. I'm sure Moët will be a perfect mother. How exciting to fol..”
Tanja » The pregnant undressing: ”So sweet!”
patricia » Perfect gain weight : ”It's so nice to see the progress of the pregnacy of Moët. I check the blog every..”
Patricia » Barbet safe bed spread: ”You can see how much they enjoy this; very comfortebel...”
Tanja » The growing belly: ”I check every day for news”
Tanja » The growing belly: ”It is wonderful to be able to follow her development. Moet looks absolutely marv..”
Lisa in Canada » On the boxbike: ”Thank you for posting pictures of your dogs in a bakfiets. I am trying to decid..”
Rien van Kuijk » Hurray for The Angels - 1 year today!: ”Frits found it a particularly fine and cosy meeting with the other Angels mama Y..”
margot » Black beautiful barbet boys!: ”wat suuuppeeerrr schattig!! <3 ”
Corine en Wouter » Yeye comes for a visit: ”Oh my god, she's a energybomb there! Hard to believe that here at home she is ju..”
Eva » Jumping grass: ”Looks like happiness, longing for being able to let Dante off the leach in that ..”
Anja » Yeye crazily enjoying water: ”It runs in the family! Luna becomes a very happy girl when she sees water! A tru..”
Wouter en Corine » Yeye crazily enjoying water: ”What a strange puppy :-) but o so cute, we adore her and her ever lasting happin..”
Wouter en Corine » Yeyezel and Yatzie - best playmates!: ”Zo leuk, kleine en grote boef! Ze was heerlijk wat energie kwijt, hi hi.”
Jos Cové » Phanuel will be Balou - a real cuddlebear: ”Balou loves playing with Ollie. And Ollie is happy when he sees Balou. I know fo..”
Eva o Stefan » Happy 7th birthday Yatzie!: ”Underbara Yatzie! Tack för att vi fick vara med och fira din födelsedag och tack..”
Corine en Wouter » 10 puppies riding the bus: ”Oh my dear, what kind of an idea was that, *grin* ”
Corine en Wouter » First swimming lessons: ”Real waterdogs!! Brilliant education :-)”
Jos Cové » Fascinating flames of fire: ”I am very curious which male Majorie and her family become Elisabeth. But I know..”
Camilla » The Angel litter with their angel names: ”Åh så fina de är!”
Anna » The Angel litter with their angel names: ”Åhh så stora dom har blivit och vilka underbara namn! Längtar så tills på Fredag..”
Eva » Puppy watching Premier League on TV: ”Då blir husse glad här; om han får sällskap i hejaklacken framför fotbolls-TV:n!”
Margot » Portraits 3 weeks: ”dit is gewoon te schattig :-p !”
Margot » Sleeping beauties: ”schattig!!! ze zijn echt heel erg groot geworden!!”
Eva » The world outside the box: ”Couldn't help laughing at the puppy stuck in the water bowl, what a drama!”
Eva » Busy at the breakfast table: ”Vilket jobb! Att se till att alla tio får sitt. Undrar om Moët är avundsjuk elle..”
Corine en Wouter » 200 little claws cut: ”Oooohwww, té schattig die kleine klauwtjes. Blijf vooral véél foto's plaatsen, w..”
jan willem en tessa » Nose to nose: ”wat een prachtige foto! en wat een dapper engeltje!”
Eva » Mothers get tired sometimes: ”She is really entitled to rest her head, lovely Mamma Yatsie!”
Corine en Wouter » Cosy in the cane basket: ”Aaahhh, wat lief en grappig. Vast een heel fijn mandje volgens Yatzie :-) En wat..”
Jos Cové » The Angel litter de l'Esprit de bonté: ”Van harte gefeliciteerd met deze 10 puppies. Ik weet zeker dat het ze aan niets ..”
Monica » Film: Yatzie feeding, Moët inspecting: ”Wat een engel die Yatzie! Alweer 10 puppy's op de wereld gezet. Yatzie ziet er g..”
jan willem, tessa, jip, iwan en phileine » Film: Yatzie feeding, Moët inspecting: ”Wat een schatjes! Goed gedaan, yatzie! take care!”
Corine en Wouter » Film: Yatzie feeding, Moët inspecting: ”Oh wat lieffff! En Yatzie is een schat, ook voor Moët, knap hoor! Leuk thema voo..”
Gertrud » Film: Yatzie feeding, Moët inspecting: ”Gefeliciteerd . Top prestatie yatzie. Liefs van Vledder,stijn,britt,werner en ge..”
Monique Heijmerink-Burggraaf » The Angel litter de l'Esprit de bonté: ”WOW Yatzie wel done. 10 little beautifull pups. Enjoy the little ones ;-) Congra..”
Sophie. » The Angel litter de l'Esprit de bonté: ”Gefeliciteerd Yatzie! ”
irek » The Angel litter de l'Esprit de bonté: ”Congratulations!! Kisses to all Angels and brave Mom”
Anja » Yatzie in preparation: ”Good luck Yatzie! Kan niet wachten op de eerste foto's!!! Succes!”
Corine en Wouter » Yatzie in preparation: ”Woei, spannend!! We wachten in spanning af hoor! Dikke Knuf voor mama Yatzie”
Eva » Temperature drop: ”This is so exiting! Even if there is no puppie for me. It is so nice of You and ..”
Marijjke » Jam-packed!: ”Wow, she is huge! Good luck on Wednesday!”
Corine en Wouter » The puppy box is ready: ”Wauw, dat is een mooie werpkist geworden! Yatzie zal het vast een heerlijk prins..”
Anja » Is that cute?: ”Sooooo cute!”
Elaine » Yatzie retrieving on our walk: ”Good girl...”
Eva » Yatzie's vest hardly fits: ”À little bit like me then after xmas, new years eve and birthday celebrations: M..”
Eva » A new phase in the pregnancy: ”Lovely! Beautiful lady and great to see some ground without snow, we have 30 cm ..”
Tessa » A new phase in the pregnancy: ”Yatzie, I'm so proud of you!! ”
Petra » A new phase in the pregnancy: ”She indeed is a beautiful, pregnant lady! If she could glow, she would certainly..”
Eva » Prenatal preparations: ”Babyblankets maybe? :-)”
Jip, Iwan, Phileine » Yes - Yatzie is pregnant!: ”WOW!!! That's great news!! We can hardly wait!”
Jip, Iwan, Phileine » 11-12-13 A lucky day for Yatzie & Toffee: ”Ohhhh wat spannend!!! Onze hartjes kloppen snel, want wat verheugen wij ons op e..”
margot » Can I come in now please?: ”cute!!! ”
margot » Moët starts Sunday training again: ”het is echt heel erg leuk dat ik weer met moët ga trainen!! :D”
greet » Riding the escalator: ”Fabulous,how your dogs " take " the escalator,so nice to see.... ”
margot » Wresteling on the beach: ”lief!!! yatzie de zwarte hond moet (met 2 puntjes op de e) de bruine hond olli..”
margot » "Moët, ska vi gå ut?": ”schattig!!!! :-)”
margot » The Championate diploma arrived!: ”goed gedaan moet (2 puntjes op de e) en yatzie!!! :-) ”
Eva Olsson » "Moët, ska vi gå ut?": ”Lycka på hög nivå! Härliga hundar som med hela sitt väsen visar sin glädje!”
Rob en Vivienne » Breakfast on the beach: ”Hi, Wat een super leuke en mooie foto's weer. Wij vonden het erg gezellig en Ol..”
marie lidblad » The official BOB photo of Moët: ”Grattis ”
margot » Barbets in Noah's Ark: ”het was daar echt super leuk met zijn alle. en met lieve pony`s erbij, mooie pau..”
margot » Barbets in the evening sun: ”liiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeef!!!!!!!”
margot » That's a huuuge bone!: ”wooooooow! dat is een groot bot!! ”
margot » Moët got the Reserve CAC again!: ”wat goed van moet (ik weet niet hoe ik twee puntjes op de e moet doen) tweede!!!..”
elaine » Simply Yatzie: ”Well.....;;they say it's all in the head. And I truly believe so! She is lovely.”
Eva Olsson » Bambi on a visit: ”From left to right – A great goodlooking quartet :-)”
Tomasz » Fabulous fall!: ”Great photos ;)”
mamma » Moët wins 1st prize and reserve CAC: ”Hon är jättesöt, värd sitt pris!”
mamma » Barbets on the football field: ”Detta var härligt att se, Elisabeth. Så roligt alla verkade ha”
mamma » The Barbet trunk-climber: ”Detta är väl ett fototrick? Kram, förresten. Du ka väl ringa på Skype, det var e..”
margot » More Champagne!: ”mijn lievelings puppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 (eigenlijk vind ik alle p..”
mamma » No, no, not water dogs - mud dogs!: ”Hej Elisabeth! Det skall vara du som låter dina hundar rulla runt i leran! Undra..”
Elaine » Moët groomed - by me!: ”I second. I have less tools, but as long as you get the job done, tha's what cou..”
Tomasz » Moët groomed - by me!: ”You did a great job !”
margot » Moët Best Female in Rotterdam show: ”goed gedaan els en moëtje!!!!!!!!!!”
Nathalie » Sweetest Barbet bridesmaids!: ”Congratulations and what a beautiful pictures and lovely bridemaids dogs. A big ..”
Maaike » Moët Best Female in Rotterdam show: ”Wow, congratulations to Moët! What a great performance. You can be proud :)”
KJ » Moët Best Female in Rotterdam show: ”Grattis igen till er! I Finland och Frankrike krävs ju vattenprov för att få cha..”
Kristina Åsentorp » Moët Best Female in Rotterdam show: ”WOW, what a talented sister Clifford has! Congratz from all of us and give her a..”
Irek » Sweetest Barbet bridesmaids!: ”What a great news! Congratulations! You look beautiful, bridesmaids are gorgeous..”
Hunter » Sweetest Barbet bridesmaids!: ”Great pictures. The barbets make great bridesmades”
margot » Dog paradise vacation house: ”leuk!!! ”
Tracey » Three Barbets on the run: ”Stunning!”
Karin » Swedish midsummer in Holland: ”Glad Midsommar! Vad härligt det ser ut!”
Gert » Goodbye golden curls!: ”Pretty thing!”
Elaine Fichter » A lot of dogs in the kitchen!: ”Hi there, try 7 in half the size and they are all waiting for something to drop!..”
margot » Signs of summer: ”het was heeeeeel erg leuk in rotterdam en bij onze vrienden en in duinrell en m..”
Ania » One can watch them play forever!: ”Moët's coat looks really nice. ”
Elaine Fichter » Making a birthday dog cake for the puppy meeting: ”Wish I had had this this morning for Guy Guy's birthday, it looks gooooooood!”
Pim Valborgsdotter » Sunny Champagne litter meeting: ”They are just amazing this dogs! And so lovely to see people around them so happ..”
Gert » Making a birthday dog cake for the puppy meeting: ”Hi Margot, we wisten niet dat jij de taart voor de hondjes hebt gemaakt. Je hebt..”
judith » Barbetclub get together: ”Wow, Elisabeth, what a beautifull pictures again. And what a joy the dogs showed..”
margot » Happy Easter greeting from Yatzie and Moët!: ”super leuke foto!!! jammer dat ik er niet bij was!! volgende keer ga ik wel mee!..”
Fiona Lucas » Clicker training for hunting dogs: ”I have a working Barbet and although I don't use the clicker often, in the past ..”
Juliana Duncan » Happy ½-year birthday!: ”Such beautiful doggies! best wishes on your half-year birthday! and soon Happy b..”
Cindy Ludwig, M.A., KPA-CTP (certified c » Clicker training for hunting dogs: ”Good for you! Just a tip - in clicker training we use "cues" rather than "comman..”
Judith » About fur: ”Hi Elisabeth! Interesting study! Greetings, Judith.”
Kicki Åsentorp » This is Moët 5 months old: ”hon är så bedårande!”
margot » And here is Chandon!: ”toen chandon er even was, was het suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper erg leuk!!! want moet (onz..”
margot » Sunshine, waters, Barbets - the perfect combination!: ”Ik vind het een suuuuuper leuk filmpje!!!!!!”
mamma » We rested enough!: ”Hej Elisabeth! Jag ser att du har kommit igång med bloggen, heter det så? Och na..”
Simone van der Hoeven » Videos: Yatzie is getting playful with her puppies: ”dear Elisabeth, Recently we had mail contact about your friend s litter. Did ev..”
Judith » Danger in the canal: ”What an adventure! Hopefully neither you nor Moët have been catching a cold.......”
KJ » Happy sweet Clicquot: ”Tack för att du delat med så rikt av valparnas första tid hos dig/er. Det har va..”
Kicki » Happy sweet Clicquot: ”Finally we got our dog home to sweden, the flight was alright, he slept all of t..”
mamma » A very special Champagne: ”Vet du , min älskling, jag vill bara gråta när jag ser alla fullkomligt underbar..”
Yoka » Last video of the whole family together: ”It is super to see!”
Anna » Around the adventure track: ”I morgon kommer jag! Det kommer bli så kul! Vi ses då, alla hälsar.”
Kristina Åsentorp » Let me present...: ”Vilka underbart söta och fina foton! Vilken härlig ide´! En undring, kan köparn..”
KJ » Let me present: ”Mr Red, Mr Orange, Mr Blue etc; det låter som New York trilogin av Paul Auster. ..”
fam. Zuidberg » Videos: Yatzie is getting playful with her puppies: ”This is just wonderful. They are very cute together; there seems to be an incred..”
Maja Holmström » Video: 24 days old curious puppies: ”Hej Elisabeth! Så underbara valparna är! Båda mina hundar står och tittar på fil..”
Yoka » Video: Introducing the water bowl: ”Lovely pups so cute!”
Renate » New feeding procedure: ”It's a great feeling to look after the puppies together with the female and I ju..”
Renate » Video: Checking out teddy bear: ”These little angels can be so loud ;-)”
pappa » New feeding procedure: ”Tänk vad valparna är söta och så duktiga Du och Yatzie är som orkar ta hand om s..”
Elaine » Video: Brisk morning walk: ”My Barbets recognize the squeaking and rush to the speakers to see what is happe..”
fam. Zuidberg » Eyes are opening: ”Ooh they are so cute... We Just can't wait! ”
Helen Koopman » Video. Yatzie and her 9 days old puppies.: ”Lieve Yatzie en natuurlijk opa en oma Bart en Elisabeth, Wat ontzettend schattig..”
oda(hond;Sjaak) » The final champagne names: ”Gefeliciteerd met de prachtige pups. Ze zien er prachtig uit. Hartelijke groet, ..”
Kristina » Chef Ed - the home cook: ”That´s what i call enjoying life. What a wonderful idea with your own chef! You´..”
Yoka » Peace in the puppy box: ”They are so so so so super cute! My thoughts go out to Yatzie! It is very nice t..”
Marga » Inflammation but not severe: ”Good luck Yatzie”
Lineke de Jonge » Cosy by mama: ” Lieve Yatzie, Wat geweldig dat je 10 babyhondjes op de wereld hebt gezet! Zorg..”
Yoka » Sond feeding : ”Tiny!”
Yoka » Cosy by mama: ”How Sweet Lovely!”
Yoka » Yatzie has a fever: ”Get well soon Yatzie! ”
Alex » Cosy by mama: ”Hoi Elisabeth, Van harte gefeliciteerd met dit mooie nestje van Yatzie. Fijn te..”
Kristina Åsentorp » Champagne names - suggestions?: ”Vore snyggt med en raritet, Clicquot, en Champagne som bärgats från ett vrak uta..”
wilfred » Cosy by mama: ”Aaaahhh, supercute! Gefeliciteerd! We komen snel kijken Wilfred”
Marga » Yatzie has a fever: ”How sad for Yatzie, I hope she will soon recover. Big hug Yatzie”
Judith en Whoopi » Champagne names - suggestions?: ”Congratulations! What a wonderful (dogs)mother you have and what a beautiful sit..”
Brigitte » Champagne names - suggestions?: ”Elbert and I already did several champagne toasts on your bubbles puppies last S..”
Yoka » Champagne names - suggestions?: ”Armand de Brignac Brut Gold Mumm Cuvée R. Lalou Pol Roger Cuvée Sir Winston Ch..”
Bart » Everyone is doing fine: ”I'm so proud of our Yatzie dear!! She deserves a big bowl of Champagne!”
Joachim Svinhufvud » Champagne names - suggestions?: ”Since your Kennelname is rather long, I suggest that you give the ten puppies sh..”
Lori van Handel » Champagne names: ”I think for sure one puppy should be named after a Cremant de Bourgogne...a spar..”
lori van handel » Champagne names: ”Cremant Krug Cristal Methuselah !!!! Have Fun!”
Anna » Number 10 - at the after party!: ”Wow, känns helt otroligt med 10 små valpar! Hoppas du får chans att vila ut efte..”
yoka » Number 10 - at the after party!: ”Vilken överraskning med en valp! Det var en lång och svår arbetsmarknad, så att..”
Karl-Johan » Number 10 - at the after party!: ”Ett jättegrattis till er! Elva nospussar m.a.o. ;-)”
Marga » Number 10 - at the after party!: ”Very much success with the last one Elizabeth. I hope she will make it. At first..”
margot » A happy birth-day!: ”Ik vind ze zo erg lief en schattig!!!!!!!!! Ik vind het super leuk dat ik er bij..”
Päivi » A happy birth-day!: ”Great news! Congratulations!!”
Ewa Thurfjell » A happy birth-day!: ”Grattis till valparna”
Tracey » Coming soon!: ”Congratulations, Yatzie and Elisabeth!!!”
Julia » A happy birth-day!: ”Stort grattis till de små! ”
Marga » A happy birth-day!: ”Congratulations Elisabeth and Yatzie, 9 puppies, wonderful and also a birthday g..”
Gunnel Svinhufvud » A happy birth-day!: ”GRATTIS till valparna!!! önskar Gunnel, Joachim och hundarna.”
Melise » A happy birth-day!: ”NAWW!sååå söta! hoppas att jag kan komma och se dom någon gång :)”
Tomasz » A happy birth-day!: ”Bravo Yatzie, bravo little ones. What a great day.”
Renate » A happy birth-day!: ”WOW! Great news! I wish you a wonderful time with Yatzie and her puppies in the ..”
Elaine » A happy birth-day!: ”Bravo Elisabeth for your commitment and determination. It paid off and symbolica..”
Tomasz » Coming soon!: ”It seems that the night will be long :) ”
Brigitte » Coming soon!: ”All my thoughts go to you ! ! Wish you a good birth and lots of nice puppies . ..”
Marga » Coming soon!: ”Lots of succes for you and Yatzie!!”
Yoka » Coming soon!: ”Wow!!!”
Marie Widblom » Coming soon!: ”Hoppas allt går bra.Lycka till. Marie”
Marianne » Coming soon!: ”Wow, only a few hours to go. This must be really something for you, as is alread..”
Brigitte » Bigger and bigger: ”Hello Elisabeth, I'm following your blog and wish you and Yatzie all the best f..”
Yoka » Bigger and bigger: ”Exiting 11 days to go almost there.”
Yoka » Tiny belly kicks: ”Cute and beautiful at the same time lovely!”
Mariel » Bigger and bigger: ”Hi Elisabeth, what a nice blog, wonderful that she still chases ducks now that s..”
Willemien » Bigger and bigger: ”Hej E och Y, följer er från en distans men med mycket glädje och lika mycket för..”
Yoka » Mutual love: ”beautiful picture's. ”
Yoka » Sleeping and eating: ”She is soooooo Cute!”
yoka » Yatzie is Dutch and the kennel is approved: ”Congratulations Elisabeth! Greetz Yoka”
Wilfred de Ruiter » Tiny heartbeats: ”Gefeliciteerd Elisabeth met je kennel EN met Yatzie! Super cool en we komen graa..”
Brigitte » The blooming heathland: ”Hi Elisabeth, Your pictures are just gorgeous!!! Pitty you can't add the lovely ..”
Marga » Yatzie is Dutch and the kennel is approved: ”Congratulations Elisabeth, because you have a dutch dog now: gefeliciteerd met j..”
Yoka » Yatzie meets a wolf!: ”Hennes kroppsspråk säger allt. Jag hoppas att detta är rätt översatt på svenska?..”
Yoka » Yatzie is pregnant!: ”congratulations on the pregnancy, what a great news. I hope that many healthy pu..”
Marga » Yatzie is pregnant!: ”Congratulations Elisabeth for you and Yatzie. What a happy message. I hope you h..”
mario » Yatzie is pregnant!: ”la notizia che chico presto diventerà papa'mi rende molto felice .Ti ho inviato ..”
Jolien » Yatzie is pregnant!: ”Hi Elisabeth & Yatzie, Congrats! Gr Jolien”
KJ » Yatzie is pregnant!: ”Stort grattis! Va' spännande det ska bli att följa fortsättningen!”
Yoka » Barbet friends in Holland: ”Hello, I know toutes, fraise and saw them with Brigitte. The dogs are very swee..”
Bart » Yatzie and the fish: ”Great to see Yatzie enjoying the paradise over there! Next time I will treat he..”
caro » Lovers!: ”cute”
Anna » Playing by the river: ”Du tar så himla fina bilder! Chico och Yatzie passar så bra tillsammans. Hoppas ..”
Sabrina » Sweetly playing: ”Nice to see Alias' daughter, she's beautiful. Our fingers are crossed for this ..”
Yoka » Sweetly playing: ”What a nice pair. I enjoyded the photo's. They have become very beautiful. Now f..”
Axel » Ready to go?: ”Hoppas att allt går bra med parningen hälsningar från oss i fjällen Axel Ingrid ..”
Alex en Greet » Yatzie is on heat!: ”Hi,Elisabeth. We really hope,you have a very nice time in Italy.Keep us informed..”
Marie Lidblad » Yatzie is on heat!: ”We wish you good luck in Italy! Batterikullens in Sweden”
Karin Mols » Yatzie is on heat!: ”Oh så roligt! Lycka till i Italien! Vi håller tummarna här i Skåne och hoppas på..”
Yoka » Yatzie is on heat!: ”Nice pictures. Have a good time in Italy. Greetings Yoka”
Axel » Yatzie + Chico = true: ”Han ser fantastisk ut! Hoppas allt går bra med parningen och att Yatzie föder nå..”
yoka » A birthday kiss for grandpa: ”I have to say Yatzie is really a beautiful barbet wow!”
Marianne » Yatzie can bike!: ”Dear Elisabeth, I'm so happy to have witnessed by the pictures that Limburg was..”
ineke » A poucepuss on Queens day: ”our little prinsess on queensday!! Oma Ien is so proud and also proud of Yatzie ..”
ineke » Easter Joy at the beach: ”lekkere taart, dat gaat er wel in na een dagje strand!!!!!”
Tracey » Lovin' it - terrain hunting!: ”Beautiful photos! ”
margot » Easter Joy at the beach: ”Dat was heeeeel erg leuk op het strand hé yatzie! En lekker zwemmen! Dat was sup..”
Tina » In love with Miss White: ”What nice pictures! As far as i know,Lumi is a daughter of my Scout, she looks p..”
KJ » Lovin' it - terrain hunting!: ”Grattis på födelsedagen och till en härlig hunddag! Vilka sköna aktivitetsbilde..”
Carola » It is unfair!: ”Hej! Vilken fin hemsida du har. Kom att tänka, när jag läser det du skrev idag, ..”
Willemien » The hunter's eye: ”Hej Elisabeth, Ja visst, jag följer dig fortfarande... Saknar dig och Yatzie här..”
elaine » Birds, birds, birds: ”Hi Elisabeth! If Yatzie can find and retrieve a still "warm" dead duck out of th..”
Letty » In love with Miss White: ”MRS.White (my husband considers Lumi a real lady, not just any girl...!) really ..”
Ewa Thurfjell » A butterfly in our house: ”Oj, vad läckert, hon försökte verkligen få tag på den. Ja minns när Akilles var ..”
margot » Disco bowling: ”Het was super leuk met bolen! En 3 strikes, 1 voor Elisabeth en een voor Bas en ..”
margot » A butterfly in our house: ”Dat was grappig toen we zagen dat er een vlinder in ons huis zat en we dachten h..”
Désirée » The beauty of dusk: ”dear Elisabeth, I havent commented for a while but still follow Yatzie's blog. ..”
greet » Cleos puppies: ”Thanks Elisabeth,for the very cute photo,s of Cleo,s litter. I will contact you,..”
Märta » Beware the wolves!: ”Vilket spännande hundliv.Yatzie tycks kunna umgås med alla.”
Anna » The one-legged trick: ”Hej Elisabeth! Nr jag ser dom här bilderna så börjar jag sakna dig och Yatzie än..”
margot » Feeling young again: ”gaan we verstopperteje spelen, mag ik ook mee doen, alsjeblievt jippi!”
margot » Beware the wolves!: ”als je deze hond vergeleikt met yatzie is hij erg groot, en het is wel een er mo..”
margot » Say cheese... -fondue!: ”volgens mij was het lekker he yatzie nou smikkel nog maar lekker door hmmmm!”
margot » At the hunting dog school: ”volgens mij heeft yatzie lekker getreend ”
Marianne » Say cheese... -fondue!: ”Not in mine ;D. Special privilege for the only woman in our household. But then ..”
esmee » At the hunting dog school: ”elisabeth ik wou gelijk gaan schrijven naar barbetyatzie toen ik trug kwam deze ..”
Leonard » At the hunting dog school: ”Very nice!”
Anna » At the hunting dog school: ”Vilken spännande och kul träning ni gör! Roligt att Yatzie tycker det är kul! Ja..”
mamma » The dummy: ”Hej älskling! Jag provar igen att sända en kommentar. Härligt såg det ut med jak..”
Margot » The Barbet cows: ”Als de koe de camera maar niet opeet, of aan stoot, dan zou de foto mislukt zijn..”
margot » Under attack: ”Yatzie is bang maar het gijtje ook, straks springen ze samen nog door de weiland..”
Melise <333 » The Barbet cows: ”dom ser ju nästan ut som yatzie, så gulliga kossor och härliga bilder (som allti..”
sophie » Forest walk with the club: ”hej elisabeth and yatzie. we had a really nice walk indeed!we must do this more ..”
Elaine Fichter » Half of Yatzie in a bucket: ”She looks...........perfect.”
Joachim Svinhufvud » Half of Yatzie in a bucket: ”Hej Elisabeth Det var en trevlig film med Yatzie " performing tricks". Hon är ri..”
KJ » Half of Yatzie in a bucket: ”Jag håller med; det är ett drygt och omständligt jobb för oss amatörer att klipp..”
Anna Neld » All about fur: ”Hej Elisabeth och Yatzie! Vi här hemma saknar er otroligt mycket och hoppas ni k..”
Ineke van Olphen » The little dog trainer: ”You are an artist, what a lovely photos. I put them all in my Iphotoalbum. It ma..”
Arno » So sad - no puppies there: ”Dear Elisabeh, hopefully more luck this year!”
Arno » Going for a sleigh ride: ”Nice picture: snowman Bart!”
Arno » Oliebollen temptation: ”Dear Yatzie and Elisabeth. Very nice pictures Elisabeth, I really liked the firs..”
Maja Holmström » The little dog trainer: ”Vilka vackra bilder! Helt fantastiska! mvh Maja/Dixie/Lucy”
Karl-Johan » Dreamin' about snow: ”Hej Elisabeth! Ja de två översta bilderna ser verkligen ut att vara klippta ur e..”
Marijke » Making new friends: ”You've done very well with the new lens. What a beautiful pictures. See you ne..”
Margarita Lioulia » So sad - no puppies there: ”Dear Elisabeth & Yatzie, don't be sad and disappointed please. Just have faith a..”
Désirée » So sad - no puppies there: ”Dear Elisabeth. Its such sad news, I know Yatzie wants to be a mum more then any..”
KERSTIN » So sad - no puppies there: ”Vilken fin bild på Yatzie (och dig) Inte ofta man får se hennes ögon! Det blir ..”
kerstin neld » Saint Lucia brings light: ”Vilka fina Lucia-flickor vi har Du och jag syrran! kram kerstin ”
Geneviève et Django » So sad - no puppies there: ”Dear Elizabeth, dear Yatze As we are sad we also in France, so we hoped that all..”
Åsa Carlberg Murakami » No puppies this time: ”lots of love and all the best for 2011 Elisabeth & co! ”
esmee » Sorry Ruff, my heart belongs to Django!: ”hoi hoe gaat het met yatzie en met juo groetjes esmee xxxxx”
Märta » A very Merry Christmas!: ”Vilken fin bild på Yatzie. Undrar just vad hon fått i paketet.”
Märta » Saint Lucia brings light: ”Hälsa Anna. Så fin hon var som Lucia.Krama Yatzie.”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”hoe gaat het elidabeth ik vind het heel leuk ik kijk elke dag naar je site en i..”
Lori van Handel » A very Merry Christmas!: ”Yatze and Elisabeth...we are thinking of you both from Cluny! We are so gratefu..”
Désirée » Number 1 in Open class: ”congratulations Elisabeth and Yatzie, on the good comments she got. Of course we..”
Geneviève et Django » Number 1 in Open class: ”Félicitation à la belle Yatzie pour cet excellent résultat. Pour Django, pas de..”
Bart » Number 1 in Open class: ”Watched the log at the airport on my phone. I'm leaving for Stockholm in 1 hour...”
Ola Storbråten » Number 1 in Open class: ”Hello Nice to meet you and Yatzie in Stockholm Congratulations with the feedbac..”
Bart » Beauty sleep before the show: ”Congratiolations Yatzie winning the first price in your category! ”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”deze nieuwe foto op barbet yatzie is ook helemaal leuk groetjes esmee”
per arne kempemo » Saint Lucia brings light: ”Vilken fin bild på Anna. Yatzie är härlig som lucia Hälsningar pappa”
Désirée » Visiting the city: ”dear Elisabeth. I visit Yatzies blog every day and I absolutely loved these pho..”
Anna » The teddybear shrunk: ”Det är mycket päls som ska torkas efter duschen! Vi använder en "dog towel" på R..”
Ruffa » Saint Lucia brings light: ”Yatzie, vilken fin hemsida du har fått! You're adorable! :) Nu har Ruffa skrivi..”
Bart » Saint Lucia brings light: ”Anna looks like an angel!!”
melise » Home for Christmas: ”oh, yatzie är så vacker. Finns ingen finare hund <3”
melise » Yatzie & Django in the animal market: ”loooooove you, och så saknar jag dig <3”
Désirée » Gluttonous!: ”Dear Elisabeth. Of course i am following Yatzies blog with interest. This is ano..”
esmee frans » Home for Christmas: ”frans is mijn vader en vind de site ook helemaal geweldig groetjes esmee en fran..”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”lovely pictures elisabeth ”
Leia o Carin Zachrisson » Yatzie meets Isa and Leija: ”Det är verkligen från ett sagolandskap och vilka filmstjärnor, med och utan täck..”
Tomasz » Yatzie meets Isa and Leija: ”Amazing photos. Greetings from Poland.”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”hallo elisabeth hoe gaat het met yatzie en is het een lieve hond diango groetjes..”
Melise » Midnight fun in the snow: ”vilka fina bilder, ser att du tog med två av bilderna jag tog :)”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”de site is helemaal fantastice daaros wil ik de hele tijd maar schrijven elisabe..”
esmee » Home for Christmas: ”deze foto vind ik erg leuk hoe gaat het met yatzie en met jou stuur het via barb..”
Ineke » Home for Christmas: ”Hello sweetie, every night I visit your website to see if there are more photo's..”
Bart » In the glimmering snow: ”Fantastic pictures from a magic atmosphere!”
Johan Eneroth » Home for Christmas: ”underbara foton!”
Elisabeth » Golden sunset beauty: ”It was a nutria (a mouse beaver, also called coypu) I saw in the waters I was to..”
caro » Home for Christmas: ”joli site j'aime la photo du toutou dans l'eau caro et jedi http://jedi-le-barb..”
esmee » Love is in the air...: ”helo elisabet im talk nou halans hoi je hebt een fantactiese site veel groetjes..”
Bart » Midnight fun in the snow: ”I`m sitting here with two lovely girls (Esmee and Katie, daughter of Mirjam!) T..”
Karin Mols » Midnight fun in the snow: ”Hej Syrran! Tack för titten. Hoppas resan hem gick bra. Vilka fina bilder på Yat..”
Désirée » Midnight fun in the snow: ”Dear Elisabeth. That looks like fun times. Actually we had loads of snow in Utre..”
Willemien » Sorry Ruff, my heart belongs to Django!: ”Hej Elisabeth! Visste du att Sinterklaas även kommer hit till Edsviksvägen imorg..”
Geneviève » Sorry Ruff, my heart belongs to Django!: ”Chaque jour, Django aussi reste devant la chambre nuptiale et attend que je lui ..”
Geneviève et Django » First snow + Christmas comes early: ”Chère Élisabeth, chère Yatzie, Nous sommes heureux de vous savoir bien arrivées ..”
Désirée » Go tell it on the mountains...: ”Ohhh wat een geweldige beelden. Heb met tranen in de ogen van ontroering zitten ..”
mamma » Barbet cuddles x 7!: ”Elisabeth! Du tänker väl inte behålla alla valparna? Det kan man tro när man ser..”
mamma » Wait said the veterinary + Yatzie and the kitten: ”Härlig film! Du tänker väl inte skaffa en katt???”
mamma » Yatzie is so ready - but Django?: ”Du är en fantastisk fotograf. Hjärtat är outstanding! Likadant fotot där de beka..”
mamma » Au revoir Django: ”Hej älskling! Vilka härliga bilder du har tagit. Ledsen att jag inte fattat dett..”
Kerstin Neld » On the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny: ”Hej Yatzie och Elisabeth, Oh vad vi längtar efter Er! Vi håller tummarna att det..”
Anna Neld » Barbet cuddles x 7!: ”Hej Elisabeth! Underbart fin blogg. Vilket arbete att få till den så fin. Längta..”
Elaine Fichter » Au revoir Django: ”After all the weekend events(and the previous days') which were very colorful, n..”
ineke » Au revoir Django: ”What a love story. I hope it will bring you and Yatzie what you both are longing..”
Emma » Yatzie is so ready - but Django?: ”Ik hoop dat Yatzie babytjes krijgt. Ik zie het al helemaal voor me: kleine lieve..”
Willemien. » Go tell it on the mountains...: ”O, Elisabeth vilken romantisk berättelse, det måste bli så söta valpar efter den..”
Bart » Yatzie is so ready - but Django?: ”They're really a fantastic couple dear. Yatzie will give birth to some beautiful..”
willemien » Yatzie is so ready - but Django?: ”Kära Elisabeth och Yatzie. Vi håller tummerna för er hela dagen, hela familjen (..”
Lineke » On the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny: ”Lieve Elisabeth, Wat heeft Yatzie een mooie site! Deftige hond! Geniet in Frankr..”
Willemien » On the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny: ”Hej Elisabeth! Tror att Silas vet om vad som pågår där söderut.. han står bara v..”
Geneviève » On the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny: ”Magnifique l'interprétation musicale... Nous vous attendons avec impatience! Gen..”
greet » Wait said the veterinary + Yatzie and the kitten: ”Hi,Elisabeth, I hope,that Yatzie brings a belly full of barbichons back to Holla..”
Arno » In the monastic grounds of the Abbey of Cluny: ”Dear E and Yatzie, nice to read about you in la douce France. Beautiful pictures..”
Bart » Le petit déjeuner and Jabolou the guinea pig: ”This breakfast looks really faaaaaaaaaaantastic!”
Willemien och Silas » We arrived in France!: ”Hej vänner i Frankrike, Vad härligt att följa er där borta! Snö i Sverige och ju..”
Marianne » Exploring Cluny - 3 days to go: ”Dear E, how lovely to follow your adventures over there. Big hug from all five o..”
Maaike » Le petit déjeuner and Jabolou the guinea pig: ”Wauw, what a cool blog for yatzie! Beautiful pictures, nice environment and last..”
Bart » Exploring Cluny - 3 days to go: ”Your biggest love is waiting for you and (almost mama) Yatzie in Holland! Kisses..”
margarita lioulia » Exploring Cluny - 3 days to go: ”Hi there! Just discovered this blogg and loved it with the first sight! Beautifu..”
Bart » Exploring Cluny - 3 days to go: ”What a fantastic surrounding over there! And what a good news that Yatzie is goi..”
oda » We arrived in France!: ”Good luck!”
Desiree » Yatzie to be mated with Django: ”we hope Yatzie has a very romantic time and that a nest of beautiful puppies wil..”
Blog archive
- The Dutch Barbet Club
- The Swedish Barbet Club
- Yatzies breeder Luddelumps, Sweden
- International site about the barbet and upcoming litters
- Hemsida24 - easy made webpages
- Canis - clicker training at its best
- Logos Communication - my own communications company
- The Barbet Revealed - a complete guide for the barbet lover
julia puppies sept 2011 balou playground tompouce chèvre of cluny cheese fondue swemmers jeuk funka stekenjokk lucca exhibition älvsjö belted galloways la petite garenne dineault dutch barbet club retrieving dog birthday cake werpkist vgwbälte cluny abbey tom grandpa taizé sunrise fladder bisou rysia kerstin dogfood queens day puppy owners jaktträning badklåda argo toffee goats strijkviertel bob best of breed rufz dutch partridge dog rhynauwen pancakes tsarine ruffa puppies clicker training willemien ollie cac beach barbet club walk axel sinterklaas water retrieving missy luna bo django silas ayala fraise anna bas henriot grooming fur charley clicquot margot chandon saartje yatzie yatzie's puppies 2011 barbet french waterdog moёt barbet yatzie and moët de l'esprit de bonté ambeloui joey beli whoopi hunter hunting training tupak friends isa teddie cristal fenna luddelumps ester elyssia melise clicquot clifford exhibition champagne meru bart socialization toutes bambi socializing puppies tricks basil marianne dog cake recipe kennel de l'esprit de bonté zwarte piet labradoodle liver goodies lucia swimmer's itch chico cleo hyde park portraits cutting claws barbet cows junior training ruff elaine fichter lapland luca briard bommel georgia merry christmas christmas piero della francesca bakfiets vor honden dachshund puppy room wolfdog k9 natural youth champion eline leija smilla broen lumi champagne litter geurt agility apport nikki jachthondenschool almere water blazer puppy training
I hope,that Yatzie brings a belly full of barbichons back to Holland.
Say hello to Elaine from us and have a nice trip home.
Kontar participates now also the hunting training in Utrecht and he likes that.
Last Sunday we had the event in the Kotterbos of Marylou and Rudie[ JHSA] and we won with our group ,the first price, jippie.......
Take care,