My three barbet girls - three generations

Yatzie was my first dog ever. She totally captured my heart and after she came into my life everything changed for  me. I loved her so much I wanted a puppy from her. From Yatzie's first litter the first born puppy, a brown sweet girl that we called Moët, stayed with us. She was very different from Yatzie but a sweeter dog one could not imagine. Every morning, as I wake up, she still kisses my face from joy. Then Moët had puppies, and there was this fun, joyful, adventorous little puppy with a white sock on her left leg, Merveille. She became our third curly package of love, living in a guest family and seeing us regularly. I am such a blessed woman. 

Merveille de l'Esprit de bonté
Merveille de l'Esprit de bonté

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